Strings 2025: Day 2 Algebras

 Today's Strings sessions were kicked off by Ed Witten's lecture on algebras, followed by Hong Liu, Nima Lashkari and Chris Fewster. Being the Strings 2025 paparazzi I am, I have took some pictures (i.e. screenshots). I will update with more as the day progresses.

Almheiri starting the day.

Faulkner starting Ed's session.

The Goat is talking.

Susskind was a little sus.

Hong Liu's session.

Nima Lashkari talking about parallels between ergodic theory and string theory.

Chris Fewster talking about CLPW and quantum reference frames.

The discussion panel.

Suvrat had a question.

1 comment:

  1. Great job posting these pictures actually. Can't attend the talks live but it is nice to see people covering strings conference. do you plan on posting about the talks?
