Here are some notes/slides on some things I wrote/collaborated on, not in a chronological or subject-wise classification.
- Machine Learning is just Statistical Mechanics with better Marketing My article contribution to Anveshana.
- Statement on the 2024 Nobel Prize in Physics My impartial statement on the Nobel Prize in Physics awarded to Hopfield and Hinton in 2024.
- The Definition of Holography Talk at Theoretical Nexus based on arXiv:2404.00070 [hep-th].
- Bulk Physics, Algebras and All That -- Part Three: Strings Edition -I [hep-th]
- Canvas of Holography in (A)dS/CFT arXiv:2404.00070, with Aayush Verma [hep-th]
- Bulk Physics, Algebras and All That -- Part Two: Black Hole Information Problem [hep-th]
- Revering Musings on de Sitter and Holography, with Aayush Verma [hep-th]
- Bulk Physics, Algebras and All That -- Part One: Bulk Reconstruction and Subregions [hep-th]
- Introduction to Poincare and Ricci flow [math.DG]
- Notes on Poincare conjecture and the h-cobordism theorem [math.DG]
- Introduction to Penrose Diagrams [gr-qc]
- Does the Weyl Invariant Proposal provide an Accurate Description of Gravitational Entropy? [gr-qc] (unrevised)
- Notes on von Neumann Algebras [math.OA]