Strings 2025: Day 5 The End

 Unfortunately, Strings 2025 has come to an end. I really dread this feeling after so much of learning, interesting talks, and exposition of awesome research by awesome people, and I dearly miss the daily talks and sessions. However, Strings 2026 is to be announced and I am personally urging my theoretical physicist friends to please, step forward and propose for Strings 2026. This amazing conference should not be allowed to stagnate and the amazing field that is string theory must be worked on. 

There are many pictures that I took and therefore will be uploading only a few on this post; I missed several talks today, but the entire gallery of pictures I have taken will be uploaded and updated on this blog. To string theory, to Strings, and to the amazing organisers at NYU Abu Dhabi!

Ahmed giving the conclusion and final remarks.


Castro feels flipped out with de Sitter

Geoff Penington talk.

Do your quantum mechanics, people.

Hi Geoff!

Shiraz kidnapped the microphone.

Shiraz and David Gross

Only four panelists at the end.

Mr. David Gross himself.

Leaving panelists


Proud Almheiri, and he believes in Strings 2026!

Juan is talking in the panel discussion.

The last picture I took of the Strings meeting. Really sad.

Strings 2025: Day 4 de Sitter

Today was concluded with Sandip's talk, which I enjoyed very much. I found Anninos' talk very good too, and there are quite a few pictures I took. However, I will limit how many I post right now and instead have a dedicated Strings 2025 gallery page up by tomorrow. 

Hi Anninos

Deformed CFTs.

Anninos' talk was very interesting.

Cumrun had a question just then

Holography and $T\overline{T}+\Lambda _{2}$ deformations.

de Sitter static patch.

I couldn't hear him for a while because I had my speakers on low volume. Dumb me,

Hello Sandip!!

Juan had a question in Anninos' talk.

Juan still asking the question he talked about with Verlinde.

Naomi's talk.

I think this was during Anninos' talk as well.

Suvrat had a question about the semiclassical limit.

Sandip pointing to references.

Zamolodchikov OP in the chat!!

Sandip's talk was awesome!

About the Hartle-Hawking state and double-scaled matrices.

Ed had a question right after Suvrat.

Eva had a question too!

Really interesting talk on de Sitter JT gravity.

Strings 2025: Day 3 Conclusion

 Sorry I am late to posting these pictures, I was watching The Intern with mom. Note that these pictures are not in a chronological order and I am uploading from my phone. I also did not attend Vishnu's talk on CY metrics either.

Shenker's public talk!

Quite a pedagogical talk.

Hi there!

CLT and NNs and EFTs.

Do note this information if you are interested.

Also visit the TASI lectures that are mentioned here.

Suvrat had a question... again!

A Ricci flat metrics discussion

Interesting stuff about scales.

NN field theoretic stuff.

NNs and CFTs.

Introducing NNs!

Sparsity mentioned!!

Good night bruv in the third row.

More and more questions.

Local solutions

de Sitter landscape, de Luca's talk.

Calabi-Yaus again!